This is What We Are Up Against!

This is What We Are Up Against!

We, as prep­pers, by def­i­n­i­tion think ahead about “what if” sce­nar­ios. I grant that some peo­ple take prepar­ing to unrealistic/unlikely extremes (I high­ly doubt an alien inva­sion or a zom­bie apoc­a­lypse for exam­ple). And as prep­pers we gen­er­al­ly do... Read more

Survival at Sea, 51 Days

Anoth­er sur­vival sto­ry, attrib­uted most­ly to luck. A crew­man on a com­mer­cial tuna-fish­ing boat was the first to spot it: some­thing shiny and metal­lic in the water off the ship’s bow. The crew­man alert­ed the nav­i­ga­tor, and the 280-foot San Niku­nau... Read more

Replace Your Batteries

I start­ed this last night, but was so tired, I just could­n’t fin­ish it… Bat­ter­ies: This is a sim­ple one, right?  Every­one thinks so.  Heck, I think so.  I sort of pride myself on keep­ing on top of things even if I let them slip.  Well, I... Read more