While it may not make a dif­fer­ence to many of you, our meet­ing group was in dan­ger of dying a quick death.  It also looks like I am get­ting rather ambi­tious, and it may not be for the best.  I can bare­ly find time to write this blog any­more, and thank good­ness for the few guest blog­gers that are offer­ing up their ser­vices.  I cer­tain­ly appre­ci­ate it.

Recent­ly, the leader of the NJ Pre­pare­ness Meetup.com group stepped down for a cou­ple of per­son­al rea­sons.  That is fine, but it felt like there was going to be a hole in my learn­ing process / curve.  I waf­fled over the idea for some time, but decid­ed to step up as orga­niz­er of the small group that there are 30+ mem­bers of.  Not many of them have made it to meet­ings, and a few peo­ple have been con­sis­tent, but in the end I thought it a good oppor­tu­ni­ty to add addi­tion­al struc­ture, itin­er­aries, and hope­ful­ly some good prep­pers to the group that want to learn and help oth­ers grow in our pre­pared­ness com­mu­ni­ty.

Over the next cou­ple of weeks, I will be putting togeth­er an itin­er­ary of what I think might be impor­tant, as well as try­ing to locate a place in NJ to hold the group meet­ings at least once a month if they are not on-site at a loca­tion some­where.

I think the first order of busi­ness might be to exam­ine some of what I have writ­ten here, and to see if we can expand on it in live meet­ings…  I am going to active­ly solic­it your input and look for sug­ges­tions from you as well.  Please feel free to com­ment with your thoughts on meet­ing ideas.

It should be an inter­est­ing ride with my time con­straints but I think that I may be able to add some val­ue going for­ward.  Here’s keep­ing my fin­gers crossed…