So, this morn­ing when I woke up, I decid­ed to write a post about what if the SHTF while I was trav­el­ing for work, and all I had time to do is grab gear from out of the hotel room and get the heck out of Dodge on foot.  I did a quick sur­vey of the room, and this is what I found that I could grab quicky, and stuff in or strap to my back­pack or strap to it and get out.

  • Extra blan­ket in plas­tic zip­per con­tain­er
  • Show­er Cur­tain (Thanks to JR in Texas for his com­ment on the Ultra Light Shel­ter post for this idea)
  • Pen & Paper
  • Plas­tic cups
  • Water Bot­tle (I usu­al­ly buy a cou­ple liters of water when I get back from work every day so I have ample water in the room)
  • Soap/shampoo
  • Wash­cloth and Tow­el
  • Cof­fee pot (just the pot) to cook or boil water in
  • Cof­fee, Cream­er, Sug­ar pack­ets that are next to the cof­fee mak­er
  • Roll of Toi­let Paper x 2
  • Ice buck­et to store water if I have to stay put
  • My Trav­el EDC kit (I have added a cou­ple of MRE main meals, peanut but­ter pack­ets, enough Gatorade pow­der for three quarts of Gatorade, and addi­tion­al Para­cord).
  • My lighter
  • My Ger­ber Paraframe I fold­ing knife

Just a quick thought this morn­ing.  This should give me a head start on fig­ur­ing out what to do in the event of a SHTF as com­pared to every­one that will be milling around in cir­cles won­der­ing what just hap­pened or what to do.