I have been eying up no rinse sham­poo and no rinse body bath for some time on Amazon.com.  This week I bought them and they came in… I have to tell you, I think they are going to be out­stand­ing addi­tions to my Bug Out Bag and for Camp­ing.

If you fol­low this blog, then you know that I believe hygiene is a very impor­tant part of a bug out or bug in plan.  First, it can help fight off dis­ease and infec­tion, and sec­ond, psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly, when you are on the trail in the bush there is noth­ing like get­ting cleaned up after a cou­ple days of sweat­ing it out or sit­ting in front of that smoky fire.

Here are the rea­sons I like both of these prod­ucts.  First, they require VERY LITTLE water.  I have giv­en myself a scrub down bath in the field with as lit­tle as 16 oz of water and a small bar of soap.  This No Rinse Body Bath requires only a cap full of soap per 8 oz of water.  That works well for me.  I even tried it out yes­ter­day before I went to the gym, as I had not show­ered yet that day.  I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised at how well it worked and how lit­tle water I actu­al­ly used.  I did­n’t have to rinse off, just tow­el off to dry, and wipe the excess from my skin.  Sim­ple enough and I was clean.

As for the No Rinse Sham­poo, you do not have to add water, you sim­ply apply to your hair until it is wet.  My hair is very short so I did­n’t have to use much.  Same direc­tions as the pre­vi­ous bot­tle, sim­ply tow­el off.

Both prod­ucts worked VERY well.  They come in 16 oz bot­tles, so I may break them down into small­er bot­tles for both my BOB, my camp­ing kit, and my car kit.  It was well worth the $15.00ish price for both bot­tles that will go a long way for my both phys­i­cal­ly and psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly.

Inci­den­tal­ly, both for­mu­las are hos­pi­tal test­ed and cur­rent­ly used by NASA astro­nauts, so that was enough for me to be sold.  Give them both a shot, and judge for your­self.  Want more infor­ma­tion, check their Web­site here: