by suburban | Jun 3, 2010 | Bug Out, Gear, Preparedness, Survival Gear
When I worked in NYC and live in NJ, Post 9/11 I had a GHB in my file cabined drawer. 1. 1 Bottle Potassium Iodide Tablets (inexpensive and figured it was good to have in the event of a dirty bomb) 2. 2 x Small Bottle of hand sanitizer (60% alcohol / 40%... Read more
by suburban | May 27, 2010 | Gear, Improvised Gear, Preparedness, Psychology, Survival Gear, Survivalism
Okay, this is the final part in the Car Preparedness series. To me comfort supplies are those extras that will make me just a little more comfortable in the event there is an issue that I might have to contend with. Here is the list: Tent — I keep a four... Read more
by suburban | May 12, 2010 | Preparedness
Squirrel Trap & Hobo-Fishing — Ray Mears Extreme Survival — BBC Survival Fishing Pole (Part 1) Basic Snare Traps for Small... Read more
by suburban | May 12, 2010 | Fishing, Hunting, Preparedness, Survival Gear, Survivalism, Trapping
First, I need to preface this post with I condone poaching for sport. If you are poaching to poach, then you deserve to get what is coming to you. However, if you are in a SHTF situation, then hunting to live or to save your life is another... Read more
by suburban | May 11, 2010 | first aid, Preparedness
I always carry a first aid kit of some sort. Doesn’t matter where I go, camping, hiking, in the car, in my backpack. always. I have several of them depending on the activity I am engaging in depends on which one I have with me. If I... Read more
by suburban | May 9, 2010 | Gear, General, Preparedness, Survival Gear, Survivalism, Water, Weather
I wasn’t really sure how tittle this blog post this morning, so with luck I will be able to explain it in more detail to you. First, I am good for at least one flat tire a year in an area where I may or may not have cell coverage, love to go... Read more