by suburban | Oct 29, 2023 | Bug In, Bug Out, Food, Food Storage, Preparedness
Why is a Three-Month Food Storage Base Important? It’s like this. You’re sitting on your couch, binge-watching the latest sitcom or show on Netflix, Apple TV, or Prime, when an emergency announcement interrupts. A mega-storm is on its way. (Replace with... Read more
by suburban | Apr 21, 2023 | Bug In, Bug Out, But Out Bag, EDC, Electro Magnetic Pulse, EMP, Gear, Get Home Bag, Preparedness, suburban survival, Survival Gear, Urban Survival
Are you someone who loves to be prepared for any situation, no matter how unpredictable? If so, you’re going to want to hear about the EMP Faraday Backpack. The truth is, I’ve been eager to get my hands on something like this for a long time. ... Read more
by suburban | Mar 12, 2020 | Bug In, Pandemic, Preparedness
Well, if it is one thing I can honestly say, is that I never thought I would be writing about an actual pandemic that I might be in the middle of, in any stage of its process. When I first heard about Coronavirus prior to the COVID-19 strain being... Read more
by suburban | Jan 2, 2019 | Bug In, Bug Out, Man Made Disaster, Natural Disaster, Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance, Urban Survival
Well, it’s finally happened, and you’ve probably already heard about it… The United States Government has officially, on paper, to the public said that our electrical grid, water supply, gas supply, and much more are in dire jeopardy of failing if... Read more
by suburban | Sep 19, 2015 | Bug In, Food Storage, Gear, Personal, Preparedness, Prepping, Survival Gear
Well, after many years in the 1 — 1/2 bedroom apartment in Northern NJ, Ms. Prepper and I recently moved in together, and into a new home. Anyone that has accumulated any amount of stuff, knows that the mere act of packing your stuff and moving... Read more
by Cameron | Apr 20, 2015 | Bug In, Bug Out, Food Storage, Gear, General, Natural Disaster, Preparedness
In our modern world, preppers need to be concerned with guns, ammunition, food, gasoline, medical supplies… the list goes on and its daunting. But don’t forget about the family pets. An often overlooked and very helpful resource to your preps is a... Read more