Ready for an EMP: A Comprehensive Review of the 30 Liter Ready Hour Waterproof EMP Faraday Backpack

Ready for an EMP: A Comprehensive Review of the 30 Liter Ready Hour Waterproof EMP Faraday Backpack

Are you some­one who loves to be pre­pared for any sit­u­a­tion, no mat­ter how unpre­dictable? If so, you’re going to want to hear about the EMP Fara­day Back­pack.  The truth is, I’ve been eager to get my hands on some­thing like this for a long time. ... Read more
The Official Warning from Department of Homeland Security, 6 Months or More Without Critical Utilities

The Official Warning from Department of Homeland Security, 6 Months or More Without Critical Utilities

Well, it’s finally happened, and you’ve probably already heard about it…  The United States Government has officially, on paper, to the public said that our electrical grid, water supply, gas supply, and much more are in dire jeopardy of failing if... Read more