Saturday Videos and a Bit More

A cou­ple days ago MD Creek­more over at post­ed a pret­ty good arti­cle on “Sur­vival for the Apart­ment Dweller.”  Thought I would share it with you today. Now for Sat­ur­day Videos: Fire­fight: A Nut­n­fan­cy .22 Drill How to man­age... Read more
My “Electronic” Survival Library

My “Electronic” Survival Library

NOTE:  I am Updat­ing this post and the updat­ed data/files can be found here:  http://www.suburbansurvivalblog/updated-survival-library/ My Web Host is ask­ing I change where my doc­u­ments are host­ed, and am mov­ing them to anoth­er doc­u­ment host­ing... Read more

Saturday Videos

Today’s Edu­tain­ment on Hulu, Episode One of Sur­vival School How to Make Water­proof Tin­der for Fire Start­ing Urban Indoor Secret Sur­vival Gar­den Water Short­age — Urban Sur­vival Ger­ald Celente On The Col­lec­tor’ s Coach... Read more
Do You Like Us?

Do You Like Us?

Hey there, just a quick note from me, let­ting you know that I put up a Face­book fan page yes­ter­day, and hop­ing that you “Like” us.  If you do, please click here or go to the right of this page and click the like but­ton on Face­book.  I’ll be using that... Read more

Saturday Videos

Kel-Tec SU-22: “4 Pounds of Tac­ti­cal” by Nut­n­fan­cy Dave Can­ter­bury, Pathfind­er School Advanced Scout Class Doc­u­men­tary Hand Axe Test, by Equip 2 Endure Ger­ald Celente on RTAmer­i­ca Sep­tem­ber 17, 2010 The Mora Clip­per — A Good Knife for... Read more