So along the way over the past cou­ple of months of cre­at­ing prepa­ra­tions for tragedy and bug­ging out to a fall­back point, I real­ized that I am unpre­pared if I am here, and there is a weath­er or oth­er issue.  What am I going to do if some­thing as sim­ple as the pow­er goes out and/or there is nat­ur­al gas inter­rup­tion in my geo­graph­ic loca­tion.   More specif­i­cal­ly, I am think­ing win­ter time, 20 degrees out, the wind is blow­ing, and there is no heat and no way to cook.  Hmmm.  If the pow­er goes out, there will be no water, no water, no cof­fee, show­er, etc…

Well, some of my prepa­ra­tions to bug out are cer­tain­ly use­ful if I have to bug in.  How­ev­er, it was evi­dent that I was cer­tain­ly unpre­pared in the event of a nat­ur­al event where I may have to stay here in my place in the event of an emer­gency.  So, I start­ed doing some research on “bug­ging in,” and being pre­pared for it.