by suburban | Sep 2, 2010 | Gear, General, Guns & Weapons, Personal, suburban survival, Urban Survival
I just purchased myself a Kel-Tec PF‑9. I’m replacing a Bersa Thunder .380 as a C.C. weapon, and I have been salivating over this gun since I saw the below review by Nutnfancy on YouTube. Nutnfancy has a great review process that will walk you... Read more
by suburban | Sep 1, 2010 | Bug In, Cooking, Energy, Gear, Light, Preparedness, Self Reliance, Shelter, Stoves, suburban survival, Survival Gear, Urban Survival, Weather
Well, the end of August is coming, and the weather is starting to change a bit; evenings are getting cooler, and days are starting to get a bit shorter. This to me is a clear sign of a few things. One, some of my Bug Out Bag contents need to be... Read more
by suburban | Sep 1, 2010 | Personal, suburban survival, Urban Survival, Weather
Well, while I am semi watching a little TV this evening, I figured I would bring up a topic that I seldom discuss. Natural disasters. In the past couple years, natural disasters have been front and center to everyone, partially due to... Read more
by suburban | Aug 31, 2010 | General, Personal
Well, everyone, in an attempt to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for, The Suburban Survival Blog has launched our own Survival Classifieds section where you can post what it is you are looking to sell, and where those of you (us) are... Read more
by suburban | Aug 31, 2010 | Bug Out Location, Les Stroud, Self Reliance, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Many of you have no doubt seen this video in the past. It is the one hour documentary that Les Stroud recorded about buying a piece of property and living off the grid potentially simplifying life. That, however is not the reason I am... Read more