Grab Paper

A post by a guest author who would like to remain anony­mous Arti­cles and videos abound that dis­cuss grab bags (aka “bug out bags”) for a SHTF event. Each varies some­what for con­tent but in gen­er­al they all men­tion tak­ing sup­plies of food, water,... Read more

I’m still here, really…

Hey every­one.  I felt com­pelled to write a quick note, since sev­er­al read­ers have emailed me this week ask­ing if I either quit writ­ing the blog or ask­ing if every­thing was okay.  I did­n’t real­ize I had such loy­al read­ers.  Thank you.... Read more

Spoke with Dr. Prepper Last Evening

I spoke with Dr. Prep­per, James Tal­mage Stevens, the Author of “Mak­ing the Best of Basics” which has sold over 750,000 copies world wide in the past 30 years.  It looks like I am going to be on his radio show dis­cussing urban and sub­ur­ban sur­vival on... Read more