A Quick Update…

Hey guys, sor­ry there has­n’t been a ton of new con­tent late­ly.  I have been swamped at work and have not had the time northe mind-share to put forth new blog posts late­ly.  Once the month is over things should slow a lit­tle and I should be avle to... Read more
The Becker BK 2 Knife

The Becker BK 2 Knife

The Beck­er BK2 by Ka-Bar. I’ve had this knife for sev­er­al months, and keep for­get­ting to write a review of it. So, here it is… In hind­sight, I remem­ber pulling this knife out of the box… My first impres­sion was how heavy it was. My sec­ond impres­sion was how... Read more