And So It Goes, More Economic Crap

Con­fir­ma­tion has come to me that the econ­o­my, real estate, and things in our coun­try just real­ly suck.  I had din­ner with anoth­er friend last night who lost her house this year due to state of the econ­o­my and the way her mort­gage was struc­tured.... Read more

I Am “SO” Out of Touch

It’s true… I spent the week­end with a friend in AZ close to Fort Hauchu­ca.  Sier­ra Vista, AZ to be exact.  This is a friend I met when we were in the 6th grade in mid­dle school.  We’ve known each oth­er for about 27 years.  One of my... Read more

Trying New Foods for Food Storage

Well, I went to the gro­cery store tonight.  When I got there I noticed there was a lot of stuff on sale.  Pack­age of six ramen noo­dles for $2.00, Vien­na Sausage, two cans for a dol­lar, SPAM, two 6 oz cans for three dol­lars, 10 cans of Camp­bel­l’s... Read more