suburban Oct 20 2011 Economy Personal
Confirmation has come to me that the economy, real estate, and things in our country just really suck. I had dinner with another friend last night who lost her house this year due to state of the economy and the way her mortgage was structured.... Read more
suburban Oct 19 2011 Books Read more
suburban Oct 18 2011 Economy Personal
It’s true… I spent the weekend with a friend in AZ close to Fort Hauchuca. Sierra Vista, AZ to be exact. This is a friend I met when we were in the 6th grade in middle school. We’ve known each other for about 27 years. One of my... Read more
suburban Oct 12 2011 Food Preparedness
Well, I went to the grocery store tonight. When I got there I noticed there was a lot of stuff on sale. Package of six ramen noodles for $2.00, Vienna Sausage, two cans for a dollar, SPAM, two 6 oz cans for three dollars, 10 cans of Campbell’s... Read more