This has been floating around the blogsphere the past day or two. Interestingly enough he too is worried about the proverbial SHTF scenario. Check out the article here:
Let me know what you think.
This has been floating around the blogsphere the past day or two. Interestingly enough he too is worried about the proverbial SHTF scenario. Check out the article here:
Let me know what you think.
Very interesting.
My first question is: What faith is he practicing these days? (seems Hollywooders switch religions as often as I change TV channels!) Not knocking his beliefs but I would hazard to guess he’s fallen in with some guru or sooth sayer that is predicting this stuff (and I’m not talking about Glenn Beck!).
Second question: If he reached this concept on his own without any religious angle, why is he going public with it? And in in Men’s Fittness of all places? Doesn’t smell right.
Third question: What does Demi think of this??
Fourth question: Does he have a disaster movie coming out soon? 😉
ps- That article is linked on the Huffington Post which is absolutely no friend of “preppers”, Glenn Beck, and others who believe our leadership is sailing us down the road of disaster at Warp 10.
That makes me very suspicious of the whole thing and question even more if it’s a publicity stunt tied to a movie or TV thing he’s doing. Or Huffy thinks this is a good way to discredit Beck, preppers etc.