I ordered my ARRL Ham Radio License Man­u­al this week.   It was pred­i­cat­ed on the North­ern  NJ Meet­up I attend­ed a cou­ple weeks ago, and anoth­er gen­tle­man I met at the meet­up some time ago that has his Ham license.  There is a lot of chat­ter in the sur­vival­ist world about being able to com­mu­ni­cate or get infor­ma­tion dur­ing a SHTF event.  I have giv­en this a lot of thought, and con­cur.  This is my first for­ay into any cer­ti­fi­ca­tions that have or will have to do with my sur­vival­ist lifestyle.

While you have to be licensed, I think hav­ing a Ham license will open new doors to com­mu­ni­cat­ing in a method­i­cal and orga­nized way, not to men­tion, poten­tial­ly open up new doors with like mind­ed indi­vid­u­als as well.  Below is a video high­light­ing get­ting your Lev­el 1 License (the one I am going to be study­ing and test­ing for).

I don’t know much about it yet, and am not sure how com­pli­cat­ed it is going to be, or how long it might take to study for the test, but I will try to make updates about what I am learn­ing, and what I think about the pro­gram once I get into it…