Run, Or Stay And Fight?

The  yes­ter­day on Face­book I post­ed a pho­to of a lady hold­ing hand­gun. The cap­tion read; I would much rather explain to the police, why an intrud­er in my home has a hole in his chest, than to have them explain to my loved ones why I was raped and... Read more

Surplus Rifles

As one of my pre­vi­ous arti­cles shared, I love the Mosin ‑Nagant sur­plus rifles. The Mosin is not my only sur­plus rifle. I also have a good col­lec­tion of Carl Gus­tavs Swedish Mausers in 6.5x55SE. I must con­fess the­ses are my favorite rifles. The 6.5x55SE is a... Read more