As everyone knows you can only live three days without water. Personally, I can’t fathom not having anything to drink in a 24 hour period. However, here is how I store potable water in my apartment for any SHTF situation. When I first started prepping and wondering how to store water in an apartment, I was befuddled. I didn’t have room for a 50 gallon blue water barrel. Then I remembered a couple of collapsible 5 gallon water containers that I take camping with me. Hmmm… Perfect. I filled them (10 gallons), did some research about how much bleach (Clorox) I should add to keep it potable for the term of storage (one year). I ran to Target, Walmart, got on Amazon, Ebay, etc. and looked for more. I now have seven of these water containers at the bottom of a closet in my apartment for a total of 35 gallons of water stored.
I also picked up a Water Bob so that in a pinch I could fill it in my tub pre-SHTF, that would give me an additional 50 gallons of water that I can use to drink, cook, and cleanup with. That would give me roughly just under 90 days of water in a pinch depending on the time of year. Meaning, that in the summer, because I am on a second floor apartment that can get up to 90 degrees or over, and I am sure I would go with just over a gallon of water per day.
My water will have been in storage in a year in July, so it’s time to change it out and store fresh water for the year…