Here is a small list of unlike­ly places to find infor­ma­tion on sur­vival.  This is more fun I think, to most of the read­ers than infor­ma­tive, but when I start­ed look­ing around for these I only found a few places online that I could draw from.

Primer Mag­a­zine Online

Ask Men Online

Details Mag­a­zine Online

Max­im Mag­a­zine Online

Men’s Jour­nal Online

I know some of these might be a stretch, but again, I thought this might be more fun than not.  In fact, after look­ing over some of these in detail, they cer­tain­ly do lack some detail, and are more com­men­tary than not.  Still though, a lit­tle fun in the muck of being seri­ous all the time… I did par­tic­u­lar­ly like The Yup­pie Sur­vival­ist Next Door, as it embod­ies many of the read­ers of this blog as well as many read­ers of many oth­er blogs on the top­ic of sub­ur­bia and sur­vival…  Hope you enjoyed.

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