I’m not sure if that is a good title, but I am using it any­way… Sev­er­al months ago, I priced sil­ver, on a per ounce basis.  It was $31.00 and change.  I thought, Hmmm. I should buy some sil­ver.  I dis­re­gard­ed… I few weeks lat­er I looked at the price of sil­ver again.  (I don’t mon­i­tor it every day), and it was up to 38.00 and change.  A cou­ple weeks lat­er, it is up to $43.00 and change.  I am an idiot.  The price is going up and I could be buy­ing small amounts and hedg­ing my bet on pric­ing.  Well, I looked yes­ter­day, and Sil­ver is sell­ing (street price) for rough­ly $51.00 and change per oz.  Sigh, I bit the bul­let and bought a cou­ple of ounces of sil­ver, and have made a promise/plan with myself to pur­chase a cou­ple ounces of sil­ver every time I get my pay­check.  It’s not like I won’t be able to resell it, and it’s not like it is ever going to be worth­less.  In addi­tion, sev­er­al states are look­ing at mint­ing their own coinage as well as mak­ing pre­cious met­als legal ten­der again in their state.  Utah, has already tak­en steps and passed leg­is­la­tion mak­ing it legal to use sil­ver and gold as cur­ren­cy in that state.  Sev­er­al oth­er states are try­ing to fol­low the same path.  If this is the case, then I cer­tain­ly need­ed to think hard­er about pre­cious met­als.  Will they do that in NY, NJ, PA or oth­er sur­round­ing states near me?  Not sure, but if they do, then I want to be be able to use the coins if I have to.  If I nev­er have to, then that is fine, I will own some phys­i­cal pre­cious met­als that I can pass on to my fam­i­ly or my nephew in the future.

What is real­ly to come of mon­ey?  Are we real­ly destroy­ing our cur­ren­cy?

So, where did I buy my sil­ver from?  Well, hon­est­ly, I was­n’t sure who to buy from or who to trust.  So, that said, I sent an email to Jack Spirko over at The Sur­vival Pod­cast some time ago, since I know he had spo­ken sev­er­al times about own­ing sil­ver in his pod­casts… Jack respond­ed in min­utes point­ing me towards the orga­ni­za­tion he uses called Sil­ver and Gold Shop (Click the link to go to their Web­site).  The small ship­ment is on the way, and I am look­ing for­ward to start­ing my col­lec­tion of sil­ver…

Now for the meta­phys­i­cal behind poten­tial­ly hav­ing to use that sil­ver as cur­ren­cy… Hmmm… First, if an oz, is poten­tial­ly going to be worth $100.00 or more in the future, how do you break it down for small­er denom­i­na­tions?  Well, I have been think­ing about this.  There are bars you can buy that can be cut into quar­ters (see the pic­ture to the right fur­ther break­ing down the sil­ver and being able to use it for small­er items… On the flip side of that, there is also “junk sil­ver” that you can pur­chase that would give you much small­er denom­i­na­tions to work with.  Here is the down­side of junk sil­ver as I see it.  First, peo­ple see it as the same cur­ren­cy that we use today.  So, if you have a 1964 quar­ter which, I believe is 90% sil­ver and worth (I believe) around two dol­lars ($2.00) today (some­one please cor­rect me if I am wrong) the store keep­er that is tak­ing that 1964 quar­ter may only see it as 25% of $1.00 if he or she does not know the actu­al worth of that piece of cur­ren­cy.  It is an inter­est­ing conun­drum because we will not know until we must use that coinage to pur­chase goods and ser­vices…

In the end, I feel good about buy­ing the Sil­ver, regard­less of the cur­ren­cy sit­u­a­tion.  It is an invest­ment, and as Jack Spirko says, he feels bet­ter giv­ing a shiny new sil­ver dol­lar to his nieces or nephews than a toy at hol­i­day time or for a birth­day any­way.  I think I agree…


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