First, I want to apol­o­gize for the lack of posts this week.  It is unusu­al for me not to have or to make the time to post some­thing for you, or learn some­thing for myself for that mat­ter.  I am drink­ing from a fire hose at my new job.  They threw me right in and I start­ed work­ing hard­er than I have in a long time.  It has been a lit­tle over­whelm­ing.   How­ev­er, it is a good chal­lenge.  The down­side is a fried brain at the end of the day and a very tired blog author.

I am going to have to try to cre­ate a new process for get­ting posts writ­ten for us, even if I have to get up an extra hour ear­li­er in the morn­ing, and get it done.  How­ev­er, it does not leave me a lot of time to learn.  I’ll fig­ure it out, how­ev­er.  Now to the Sat­ur­day Videos.

Survival, Water and Capitalism. Our Natural Resources up for Sale to the highest bidder?

True Utility FireStash

Paint can emergency kit.

Urban — Suburban Survival Reflective Mitts and Boots

Gerald Celente: American Empire is collapsing

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