As a each of us go through our prepa­ra­tions for the SHTF or TEOTWAWKI, you may come across peo­ple who have achieved a lev­el of pre­pared­ness most of only dream of. That is, they have a ful­ly stocked bomb shel­ter in a rur­al loca­tion with 20 years of food, water, fuel, gear, guns, ammo and a self-suf­fi­cient farm. While you are post­ing to a forum that you bought five, 5 gal­lon cans of gaso­line anoth­er guy goes out and buys an army-sur­plus tanker and fill­ing it with 4000 gal­lons of diesel fuel (yes, that hap­pened to me).  You bump up your food sup­plies to 60 days for two peo­ple and the oth­er guy posts pic­tures of his six month pantry and food rota­tion sys­tem. You buy 1000 rounds of ammo for your side arm while that oth­er guy tells a sto­ry about the 10,000 rounds he has for sev­en dif­fer­ent guns. In an ear­li­er post, a Kat­ri­na sur­vivor post­ed about his expe­ri­ence and how his preps helped him make it through the cri­sis. I live in a hur­ri­cane zone and don’t have 50% of what this guy has. I am not a big camper, hunter or out­doors­man. There are those that you could drop 100 miles from civ­i­liza­tion with a Altoids tin and a mul­ti­tool and they could live for weeks. That does not mean I would die under the same cir­cum­stances, but I would need more luck and more gear just to stay alive.

In the prep­per world, you can count on two things: one-upman­ship and being envi­ous of those who have more resources and spent more time prepar­ing than you have. Some, as in my exam­ple above, have been of the prep­per mind­set for decades while I have only been at it for months. When faced with these obsta­cles, my advice is this:

-In prep­ping as in life, there will always be those that have more of every­thing that you do. Get over it. There are those that will always have less.
‑You must face the real con­straints imposed by your sit­u­a­tion. If you don’t have the mon­ey or space to acquire six months worth of food and oth­er essen­tial, then you will have to live with that real­i­ty.
‑Do the best you can with what you do have. If you can only buy and ware­house one month of food, two flash lights with bat­ter­ies, $400 cash and a shot gun plus shells, then that is all you can do. Some­thing is bet­ter than noth­ing and some­thing is bet­ter than 95% of the pop­u­la­tion.
‑Pre­pare for the long term. Sure, it would be bet­ter to have it all now, but if you can accu­mu­late preps every day, week or month, you will soon have the essen­tials cov­ered that will allow you to endure 90% of the SHTF sce­nar­ios.
‑Don’t be envi­ous, learn. When oth­ers share their prepa­ra­tion lev­els, match it against what you have and what you are capa­ble of. Make a list and work on the rea­son­able gaps. For instance, I’ll like­ly nev­er have a 4000 diesel tanker in my back yard, but I could pos­si­bly store 40–50 gal­lons of gaso­line before I run out of space or con­sid­er it a sig­nif­i­cant haz­ard. I believe I can get to 4 months of food stores before hit­ting space prob­lems and spouse prob­lems, but would real­ly like to stretch it to 6 months (attic?). Will I ever have 20 years of MRE’s? Nope.
‑Above all, don’t be dis­cour­aged and give up. They were once you and me, just start­ing on this path. That built a redun­dant and resilient lifestyle, brick by brick, piece by piece. Rome was not built in a day. Nei­ther is a prep­per life.
‑What­ev­er you do, don’t quit. Don’t look at the oth­er guy and say. “I’ll nev­er have that lev­el of pre­pared­ness so why even try?” That is for fools who look to oth­ers for val­i­da­tion of what they are doing with their lives. Be your own per­son and mea­sure your­self against what you want to be, not what the oth­er guy is doing.

When faced with Prep­per Envy, it only makes sense to acknowl­edge the feel­ings and get on with build­ing the life you want have. Any oth­er reac­tion is fool­ish­ness and imma­tu­ri­ty.

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