Recent­ly, Ms. Prep­per and I have been dis­cussing the recent events by ISIS, impend­ing ter­ror threats around the world, unrest in Israel, the lack of inter­est by our own elect­ed offi­cials, etc.  We came to the con­clu­sion that it was time to build on the small emer­gency kit she keeps in her draw­er at work, as well as put togeth­er a deep­er plan around get­ting out of NYC in the event of a nat­ur­al or man made dis­as­ter.  The lat­ter being the one we are wor­ried about the most, with the poten­tial for a 9/11 type attack being first and fore­most in our minds.  

That said, I am not going to go into the “addi­tion­al stuff” that we added to the kit, or what was in the old kit.  What I have done, is pro­vid­ed you with:

  • A slight­ly incom­plete copy of the plan,
  • An inven­to­ry of the kit con­tents
  • Sim­ple instruc­tion on how to act, react, and what to do in the event of a dis­as­ter
  • Sim­ple instruc­tions on how to use the gear in the kit that may be a bit con­fus­ing when you are under duress.

Below is a but­ton to down­load this doc­u­ment.  I thought I would share, and help you kick start a plan of your own if you don’t already have one.

Final note:  I know this may not be com­plete.  It is a ver­sion one (1).  I am sure it will be refined in time, and will add addi­tion­al detail as I add it, and post lat­er ver­sions here. Below is the link.  Please let me know what you think.


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