Well, what a week it has been.  The crazy news, the weath­er here in the north­east, work is crazy, and the week­end is going to be about catch­ing up and be just as nuts.  Cur­rent­ly, I am in the process of read­ing a book by Scott B. Williams called “Astray of the Herd: Obser­va­tions, Com­men­taries, and Rants from Out­side the Main­stream.”  It is a few years old, and a pret­ty good read.  But I am going to have to put that down for the moment.   I just received my advanced copy of Les Stroud’s new book (not for sale yet), “Will To Live, dis­patch­es from the edge of sur­vival.” I’ll be tem­porar­i­ly be putting down Scot­t’s book to read Les’s book since I promised the nice peo­ple at Harp­er Collin’s Pub­lish­er that I would read and review it for the blog.  I fig­ure I will pick it up this week­end and hope­ful­ly get through it before the mid­dle of the week.  We will see.  I’ll have the review up short­ly after I fin­ish, so keep drop­ping by to see if it is up yet.  As usu­al, I will tweet about it, and add a link to the face­book page if you use either of those venues to check out new posts.  By the way, please feel free to like or fol­low me on both.

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Sav­age Mod­el 24

Last Sat­ur­day, I walked into my bud­dy’s gun shop, after he had left me a mes­sage about a Sav­age .410/.22 Over/Under had come in on trade.  I’ve been on a wait­ing list for one of these for months.  It was in real­ly good shape.  At 300+ dol­lars, after inspec­tion, I felt it was worth it.  A sin­gle load rifle/shotgun it makes a good plink­er / sur­vival gun/weapon for hunt­ing small game.  Big sigh,it was in real­ly good shape, but I did­n’t pur­chase it.  As much as I want­ed to, I promised myself I would get out of debt this year.  Grant­ed, I have spent too much mon­ey already this year on stu­pid stuff, I am sure, I passed on the gun.  “I still feel like I should have pur­chased it,” the lit­tle guy on my shoul­der keeps say­ing… Oh well.  Maybe next time.

One in 47, served with fore­clo­sure paper­work…

On my way to work today, I was lis­ten­ing to the news on the radio.  I heard that one in 47 home own­ers in the Unit­ed States in 2010 were served with a fore­clo­sure notice.  One in 47.  With all the peo­ple I know, that means I know prob­a­bly know 30+ peo­ple that were served with fore­clo­sure notices this past year.  No exag­ger­a­tion, 30+ peo­ple.  I can think of three right off  the bat, and a VERY close friend that is try­ing to get a bet­ter job after work­ing a part time job, after being laid off in jeop­ardy of look­ing to bank­rupt­cy and the pos­si­bil­i­ty of los­ing his home to fore­clo­sure.  And he’s not one of those peo­ple who bought into the zero mon­ey down vari­able inter­est rate with bal­loon either.  The radio announc­er also said that the chances are that 2011 will have more fore­clo­sure notices served that 2010 is viable.  Real­ly?  If this is real­ly the case, please do not let the politi­cians tell you it is get­ting bet­ter.  If this hap­pens it is actu­al­ly get­ting worse out there.   Please pre­pare your­self and your fam­i­ly accord­ing­ly with your preps.

Nat­ur­al Dis­as­ters

2010 was full of them.  Aus­tralia has mas­sive flood­ing, and Brazil is full of mud slides as our new year begins.  If this does not prompt one to think about prep­ping and keep­ing your fam­i­ly safe going for­ward, I do not know what does.  With all the changes in the weath­er pat­terns, I per­son­al­ly think that any­thing can hap­pen at any­time.  I find the nat­ur­al dis­as­ters dis­heart­en­ing, and my thoughts are with every­one who has lost every­thing.  I can’t help but think, though, that if some had preps of some sort, they might not be in the posi­tion they are in, or heed­ed a warn­ing to leave before the flood, rains, etc. they might be safer than they are at the moment.


Well, I did it again.  Tore the ten­dons in my elbow, and now I have a seri­ous­ly painful case of Ten­nis Elbow.  It sucks.  I can­not pick up a cup of cof­fee with­out some pain from my elbow down to my wrist and hand.  Pushed too hard the oth­er night work­ing out, which sort of sucks because I had not worked out much in Decem­ber.  A set­back to say the least in hit­ting a phys­i­cal fit­ness goal ear­ly in the year.  Oh well.  Maybe this will push me to get to the gym and back on the tread­mill instead of only work­ing out at home and get more car­dio under my belt.  Dry humor intend­ed.

Any­way, time for me to hit the hay.  More com­ing soon…