So this week I was trav­el­ing for work and had very lit­tle time to post, so for any read­ers, I apol­o­gize.  This will hap­pen from time to time.   How­ev­er, I have been giv­ing a lot of thought to a BOL (Bug Out Loca­tion) recent­ly and doing some research on what I think might make a good BOL for me.  I already have a BOL, but that is a fam­i­ly home, but does not have some of the cri­te­ria I may be look­ing for in a more seclud­ed BOL.  More on this in my next post.  Most­ly I want­ed to apol­o­gize for not post­ing much this week, oth­er than my lit­tle run in with the TSA and Port Author­i­ty Police at Newark Air­port.