Suburbansurvival Blog
Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness
Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…

A Shout Out to PrepperJim and ST
This is a short post to give a shout out to PrepperJim and ST. Both are contributing authors here on the Suburban Survival Blog. These two contributing authors help me out when I least expect it. Besides being regular contributors, it seems when I get busy, am…
Are Preppers Being “Set UP” on YouTube?
There are hundreds if not thousands of prepper video on YouTube. If you haven’t already tried it, just do a search for SHTF or WROL and you’ll see what comes up (and that doesn’t include “survivalist”, “prepper”, “survival”, “economic collapse” etc). The videos range…
The Dirty Bomb Diaries
I wanted to share this with you. The series was mentioned to me by a friend that is also a prepper. It seems it came out in 2009, but thought it relevant as many urban and suburban preppers I know are worried about dirty bombs, especially in NYC where I am on a…
Saturday Videos
Suburban preppers HUGE stockpile of food httpv:// Without Rule of Law: “Resurgence of Community” by Nutnfancy httpv://
Doomsday Blues
Just like generations past, there are plenty of issues on the horizon that present a challenge to our day and age. Almost every day someone predicts doom is around the corner, mostly so they can point to their YouTube video or blog and say “I told you so.” We are…
Cover vs. Concealment: Know The Difference!
“Take cover!” A common and clichéd line from everything from old westerns to sci-fi television shows and movies to even some cartoons. But while entertaining, it is a tactical issue to be understood in the event of an SHTF event that leads to WROL. Even without this…
Welcome The Prep Room as a Sponsor on Suburban Survival Blog
Please welcome The Prep Room as a sponsor of the Suburban Survival Blog.
Saturday Videos
Navigation Equipment and Gadgets httpv:// Backpack Loadout List: Moonscape Adventure httpv:// SHTF Currency — Urban Survival httpv:// Should You Buy Copper Rounds?…
A Review of “Dirt-Cheap Survival Retreat, One Man’s Solution” by M.D. Creekmore
So, I finally had time to sit down and read M.D. Creekmore’s book, “Dirt-Cheap Survival Retreat, One Man’s Solution.” I’ve actually had the book for sometime, but have been so busy just have not had the time to read it. The book itself is short, and not full of…