Assessing the Credibility of Martial Law Being Forced Upon Citizens of the United States in the Future

Assessing the Credibility of Martial Law Being Forced Upon Citizens of the United States in the Future

In this blog post, we’ll exam­ine the poten­tial and cred­i­bil­i­ty of mar­tial law being imple­ment­ed in the Unit­ed States. Being from the U.S. and hav­ing not expe­ri­enced mar­tial law first­hand, as some sec­ond and third-world coun­tries have, it is just a... Read more
The Rising Tide of Food Prices in 2024 — Beef and Pork in Focus

The Rising Tide of Food Prices in 2024 — Beef and Pork in Focus

As we step into 2024, the shad­ow of ris­ing food prices looms large, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the realms of beef and pork. This surge is not just a blip on the eco­nom­ic radar but a trend that’s been build­ing, influ­enced by a com­plex web of fac­tors from cli­mate to... Read more
Trucker Strike and the Trump Verdict: A Perfect Storm for NYC’s Supply Chain

Trucker Strike and the Trump Verdict: A Perfect Storm for NYC’s Supply Chain

As I sit down to unrav­el the tan­gled web of New York City’s lat­est logis­ti­cal night­mare, it’s impos­si­ble to ignore the rip­ples caused by a ver­dict that has truck dri­vers up in arms. In a strik­ing move, a band of dri­vers dubbed “Truck­ers for Trump” are... Read more
10 Essential Items a Prepper Should Keep in Their Faraday Cage for EMP Protection

10 Essential Items a Prepper Should Keep in Their Faraday Cage for EMP Protection

Imag­ine a sud­den burst of ener­gy capa­ble of ren­der­ing most mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy useless—in an instant, the world as we know it could change due to an elec­tro­mag­net­ic pulse, or EMP. This sce­nario is not just the premise of a sci­ence fic­tion nov­el; it’s a... Read more