by suburban | Feb 27, 2019 | EMP, Preparedness, Survival Gear
Today, I would like to take a look at what might or might not be working after a speculative EMP event regardless if it’s a manmade or natural based disaster. I think there is a lot of speculation about the types of gear, vehicles, electronics, etc.... Read more
by Cameron | Jan 28, 2019 | Preparedness, Weather, Winter
Well, it happens every year, the first snow comes and many people on the road seem to forget how to drive or find themselves ill-prepared to deal with a minor (or major) catastrophe. Having experienced winter driving knuckleheads just a few days ago, I... Read more
by Cameron | Jan 21, 2019 | Electro Magnetic Pulse, EMP, Pandemic, Preparedness, Prepping, Reviews
This is a list of the five best novels I’ve come across (and Ive read many) for prepper fiction.. they are not in any particular order. The criteria I used to add a book to this short list is as follows: 1) a good story line; did the book have a story line capable of... Read more
by suburban | Jan 3, 2016 | Health, Personal, Physical Fitness
I work from home remotely from my company’s office. It is a curse and a blessing. I can get a LOT done in a shorter period of time because almost as soon as I wake up, wipe the sleep out of my eyes, I am at work… When I need some flex time to go to... Read more
by suburban | Sep 19, 2015 | Bug In, Food Storage, Gear, Personal, Preparedness, Prepping, Survival Gear
Well, after many years in the 1 — 1/2 bedroom apartment in Northern NJ, Ms. Prepper and I recently moved in together, and into a new home. Anyone that has accumulated any amount of stuff, knows that the mere act of packing your stuff and moving... Read more