by suburban | Sep 29, 2011 | Guns & Weapons, Preparedness
This is the second installment in a series of papers to educate the new prepper about what weapons they should have on hand. I’m approaching this from a SHTF scenario, and while I’m not advocating using any firearm in an offensive manner, I stress that... Read more
by Prepperjim | Sep 14, 2011 | Cooking, Energy, Fire, first aid, Food, Gardening, Guns & Weapons, Health, Light, Personal, Water
Our government has designated September as “National Preparedness Month”. This contrasts with the FBI’s profiling preppers as potential terrorists. I imagine the message is “be prepared”, but don’t be too prepared. We still want you dependent... Read more
by Prepperjim | Jun 1, 2011 | Guns & Weapons, Personal
When choosing a conceal-carry-weapon (CCW), I had many things to consider. 1) Concealability in typical clothing worn in Houston, Texas 2) Stopping power, including reliability. 3) Availability and price of ammunition, both pre and post-SHTF.... Read more
by suburban | May 23, 2011 | Guns & Weapons, Personal
Well, I was sitting around a couple weeks ago, cleaning one of my rifles when I took a close look at her and thought that I might want to give her a new look. Basically replace the stock. My issue, however was that being in NJ, I have to keep her NJ... Read more
by suburban | May 20, 2011 | Guns & Weapons, Preparedness
This is the first installment in a series of papers to educate the new prepper about what weapons they should have on hand. I’m approaching this from a SHTF scenario and while I’m not advocating using any firearm in an offensive manner, I stress that... Read more