Gear Review Kahr PM9

Gear Review Kahr PM9

When choos­ing a con­ceal-car­ry-weapon (CCW), I had many things to con­sid­er. 1) Con­ceal­a­bil­i­ty in typ­i­cal cloth­ing worn in Hous­ton, Texas 2) Stop­ping pow­er, includ­ing reli­a­bil­i­ty. 3) Avail­abil­i­ty and price of ammu­ni­tion, both pre and post-SHTF.... Read more

CCW State Reciprocity and Gun Laws

This is a pret­ty use­ful site I thought I would share. If you have a CCW in any one of the 50 states, just click on it, and a win­dow will pop up with all the states that will allow you to car­ry with your state’s CCW. If you are inter­est­ed in... Read more