So, I was walk­ing through Wal­mart one day get­ting ready to pick up a new foot­ball to play catch with on a camp­ing trip, when I walked past the out­door patio stuff, and it hit me… Cheap light­ing for home.  Renew­able, too… Hmmm… Solar lawn light­ing.  I went over and there was a six pack of inex­pen­sive LED lights for 30.00.  Know­ing a lit­tle about these, I know that they have a recharge­able AA bat­tery as a pow­er source and an LED lamp that would last hours because it drains the bat­tery so slow­ly.   So I bought a box of the lights.  Here is what I found:

  • You can car­ry the lamp like a small torch if you want­ed to
  • You can take the top off where the bat­tery and the LED are, sep­a­rat­ing the light­ing unit from the staff and lamp head itself and use that as your light if you want­ed to.
  • You can replace the recharge­able bat­tery with a bet­ter one
  • They do an ample job of light­ing a medi­um sized room with­out run­ning your flash­lights, lanterns, or lamps.
  • They do not get hot to the touch
  • They can be used indoors or out­doors
  • You can keep sev­er­al in your BoB, rolled up in your sleep­ing bag or sleep sys­tem, or rolled up with your tent until you need them.
  • When you need them, they only need a few hours of sun­light.
  • You can sim­ply hide the light by plac­ing a piece of elec­tri­cal tape over the LED

The pack of six lights only cost me $30.00 and now I can see one or two of these going in my Get Home Bag for emer­gency use…