This week, I looked for more thought pro­vok­ing videos than the stan­dard stuff from week to week… As prep­pers in the burbs of a city, I think we all for­get where stuff real­ly comes from, and some of these videos address this.  If you are think­ing about a bug out loca­tion, some of these illus­trate what it might be like day to day at a BOL… I hope you enjoy.

Organ­ic Dairy­man: Direc­tor’s Cut

Mak­ing Cheese with Mike Rowe

The Real­i­ty Detached Amer­i­can

Mov­ing from Pre­pared­ness to Self Reliance

Gar­den­ing for the Sur­vival­ist

Mon­sters of Anar­chy — Post Col­lapse Con­sid­er­a­tions