There is no hon­or among thieves. But, thank­ful­ly, most peo­ple aren’t thieves. Even in a SHTF sce­nario, with some excep­tion (e.g. Kat­ri­na), most peo­ple do behave well. For the most part.

Liv­ing in or near a big city it can be hard to under­stand that a per­sons’ word still holds val­ue for a large num­ber of peo­ple. When the false facades of mod­ern life come crash­ing down in an emer­gency, all a per­son has left to trade on is their word.

In a SHTF or WROL sce­nario your word (promise) has to be as secure as gold. That’s the only thing you have to your cred­i­bil­i­ty and rep­u­ta­tion in your com­mu­ni­ty. If you make a promise to some you bet­ter go to all human­ly pos­si­ble lengths to keep it. A rep­u­ta­tion is easy to dam­age and take s a long long time to repair, if at all.

Even before an SHTF event if you promise to be a shel­ter for some­one, to col­lect sup­plies for them, etc. then you bet­ter do it. If some­thing hap­pens after you make your promise such that you can’t keep the promise (things hap­pen, that’s life) then it’s your oblig­a­tion to tell the peo­ple as soon as pos­si­ble that you can’t ful­fill your promise. Even if it hurts your ego. Oth­er­wise you do more than lie to some­one, you give them false secu­ri­ty. They come over after an emer­gency and you say “You know those sup­plies I was sup­posed to be col­lect­ing over the years, well I couldn’t do that and didn’t have the heart to tell you”?! That’s just plain low.

In my old­er age I have come to learn the val­ue of a per­sons’ word. As such I am very care­ful about giv­ing my word. I rarely do. I will make promis­es but my word is a lev­el I rarely go to any more unless I am sure as human­ly pos­si­ble to keep.

In a post dis­as­ter com­mu­ni­ty your word becomes your own cred­it. Do what your promised, when you promised to do it. Maybe even do a bit more just because it’s the right thing to do. Peo­ple will notice. They prob­a­bly won’t say any­thing but they do notice. Some won’t care but enough will.

When the mirage of false pre­tens­es that mod­ern peo­ple feel is oh sooooo impor­tant falls away in the face of hard real­i­ty peo­ple come back down to mor­tal Earth and the real val­ues of hon­or and promis­es restore their true mean­ing.

Your promise is your SHTF cur­ren­cy.