Please wel­come The Berkey Guy of to the Sub­ur­ban Sur­vival Blog fam­i­ly.  I’ve been talk­ing with Jeff the Berkey Guy for a cou­ple weeks now, and has decid­ed to help sup­port our efforts here on the blog.  Please vis­it by click­ing the link and/or click­ing the ad to the right.  For those of you that don’t know about directive21 and Jeff the Berkey Guy, they have been Berkey Deal­ers for sev­er­al years and have thou­sands of sat­is­fied cus­tomers all over the world.  Learn a lit­tle more about the Berkey Water Purifi­ca­tion sys­tem by read­ing on, and please vis­it to learn more.

Peo­ple are always ask­ing me why they should choose a Berkey Water Purifi­ca­tionsys­tem? If you have found your­self ask­ing this ques­tion, or if now that you own one your friends are ask­ing the same ques­tion, here are three rea­sons. Berkey® Sys­tems are:

  1. Sim­ple
  2. Effec­tive
  3. Afford­able


The Berkey Water purifi­ca­tion sys­tems are sim­ple because they mim­ic nature’s water cycle. It is well known that high-qual­i­ty car­bon is unpar­al­leled in help­ing to pro­duce “bet­ter” water. If that was the only aspect of the Berkeys, then they wouldn’t be in a class of their own. Since they are grav­i­ty-fed, you can use any one of the Berkey sys­tems Off-the-Grid! It does not mat­ter if you are using them with your tap water at home on a dai­ly basis, or if you are using them on the road with creeks, lakes, ponds, rivers, springs, streams, or wells. The Black Berkey Ele­ments are also impreg­nat­ed with pro­pri­etary media which allows them to enhance the ion­ic adsorp­tion of con­t­a­m­i­nants. What does this mean to you?…they are effec­tive!


For starters, their abil­i­ty to remove the harm­ful effects of bac­te­ria, cysts, and par­a­sites is valu­able. Those microbes are pathogens, and pathogens cause the types of issues that threat­en health and well-being neg­a­tive­ly. Berkey sys­tems have been and are reg­u­lar­ly deployed for use in areas where water qual­i­ty is ques­tion­able and below U.S. stan­dards.


The Black Berkey Ele­ments are rat­ed at 6,000 gal­lons of tap water. Whether you have the small­er or larg­er Berkey system(s), they will help you save mon­ey over buy­ing “bot­tled” water-which is gen­er­al­ly treat­ed sim­i­lar to process­es that water util­i­ties use. One set of Black Berkeys are rat­ed to pro­duce a gal­lon of tap water at under 2 cents, approx­i­mate­ly.  The Berkey sys­tems are also much more afford­able than pur­chas­ing an In-House sys­tem that requires being con­nect­ed into your plumb­ing. Such sys­tems also are non-oper­a­tional when water-pres­sure is lost in such events as leaks and emer­gent events. The Berkeys are also light­weight which makes them per­fect for your imme­di­ate needs to evac­u­ate a loca­tion or trav­el.

Sim­ple. Effec­tive. Afford­able. Order your Berkey today.

-The Berkey Guy