The Winter EMP Theory

Well, winter is coming to the northeastern US.  It’s getting colder here in NJ and any day the temperature could go down to below freezing, stay there for the next few months and pile us up with snow and ice.  I’m thinking about this because I was just on... Read more

Bear Encounters

After the long win­ter we have had here in the north­east, spring­time is a very wel­come change of sea­son. Spring is a time of new begin­nings and this year is no dif­fer­ent… but with the new begin­nings comes wildlife inter­ac­tions that sub­ur­ban­ites may not... Read more

Protection From Looters

It’s an unfor­tu­nate real­i­ty that there will be loot­ers any kind of major emer­gency. What they’re after may change with the sever­i­ty and type of emer­gency, but their inten­tions are the same uni­ver­sal­ly. To take advan­tage of the chaos in order to take... Read more