Saturday Videos and a Bit More

A cou­ple days ago MD Creek­more over at post­ed a pret­ty good arti­cle on “Sur­vival for the Apart­ment Dweller.”  Thought I would share it with you today. Now for Sat­ur­day Videos: Fire­fight: A Nut­n­fan­cy .22 Drill How to man­age... Read more
Made In The USA? No Made In Elsewhere.

Made In The USA? No Made In Elsewhere.

This may end up being more of a rant than not, but I want­ed to write a lit­tle blurb about how I am try­ing to buy these days.  I have been look­ing for “Made in USA” labels recent­ly.  I have a strong belief that mon­ey that cir­cu­lates here in our... Read more