Hey every­one.  I felt com­pelled to write a quick note, since sev­er­al read­ers have emailed me this week ask­ing if I either quit writ­ing the blog or ask­ing if every­thing was okay.  I did­n’t real­ize I had such loy­al read­ers.  Thank you.  A cou­ple things are up with me this past week, just to let you know what has been going on.  First, I am work­ing on a VERY large project for work that is keep­ing me from hav­ing any of the extra time that I would nor­mal­ly have to write.  Not to men­tion when I get home at the end of the day my brain is fuzz.  The sec­ond issue I had this week is that the hard disk on my per­son­al lap­top died leav­ing me in the weeds on doc­u­ments I had half writ­ten for the blog, not to men­tion sev­er­al oth­er projects, my music library, etc.  This is a work in progress to try to res­ur­rect the data.  I do have a back­up online, but it is all the con­fig­u­ra­tion data that I am wor­ried about for items such as iTunes for my phone, etc…   Add those two items togeth­er, and I am now tap­ping away on my work lap­top, which, hon­est­ly I do not like doing.  I do not like to co-min­gle work and per­son­al stuff.

That said, I am still going to be on Dr. Prep­per’s radio show this evening, in about 35 min­utes to be exact.  If you are inter­est­ed, here is the URL:

To be hon­est, I am shot, and feel ill pre­pared to be inter­viewed, but I will do my best.

Hope you all under­stand the lack of writ­ing this week… It may be anoth­er few days before I get back to any seri­ous writ­ing.  One of my first posts may be on data pre­pared­ness…  Any­way, thanks for your con­cern, and yes, I am still here…