Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia

After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slow­ly relaunch­ing it with all the old con­tent, and writ­ing new con­tent.  It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prep­ping, and recent­ly start­ed again.  Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prep­per is now Mrs. Prep­per, and there’s the addi­tion of Baby Prep­per, too…  I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learn­ing from scratch…

The Essential Guide to Building a Three Month Food Storage Base: Ensure Your Family’s Well-being in Any Situation

The Essential Guide to Building a Three Month Food Storage Base: Ensure Your Family’s Well-being in Any Situation

Why is a Three-Month Food Stor­age Base Impor­tant? It’s like this. You’re sit­ting on your couch, binge-watch­ing the lat­est sit­com or show on Net­flix, Apple TV, or Prime, when an emer­gency announce­ment inter­rupts. A mega-storm is on its way. (Replace with World War III…

The Importance of Creating Your Own Currency for Preparedness Groups

The Importance of Creating Your Own Currency for Preparedness Groups

If you are a mem­ber of a pre­pared­ness or mutu­al assis­tance group, I feel it is get­ting to be much more impor­tant to under­stand the impor­tance of being ready for any emer­gency sit­u­a­tion. You hope­ful­ly stock­pile food stor­age, water, and med­ical sup­plies, and prac­tice…

Ready for an EMP: A Comprehensive Review of the 30 Liter Ready Hour Waterproof EMP Faraday Backpack

Ready for an EMP: A Comprehensive Review of the 30 Liter Ready Hour Waterproof EMP Faraday Backpack

Are you some­one who loves to be pre­pared for any sit­u­a­tion, no mat­ter how unpre­dictable? If so, you’re going to want to hear about the EMP Fara­day Back­pack.  The truth is, I’ve been eager to get my hands on some­thing like this for a long time.  First, you should know…

Guide to Planning a Safe Bug Out from the Suburbs to Your Bug Out Location

Guide to Planning a Safe Bug Out from the Suburbs to Your Bug Out Location

The con­cept of bug­ging out is one that I’ve clear­ly been famil­iar with, and I assume you are too… Many prep­pers like myself have fan­ta­sized that we would have to leave our home and hoof it, jump in the bug out vehi­cle, etc to our bug out loca­tion. Even dur­ing…

Stay Hydrated and Safe with Seychelle’s Radiological Water Filter and Flip Top Bottle: A Review

Stay Hydrated and Safe with Seychelle’s Radiological Water Filter and Flip Top Bottle: A Review

Stay­ing hydrat­ed is cru­cial for main­tain­ing good health and over­all well-being. But what hap­pens when you’re out in the wilder­ness or faced with an emer­gency sit­u­a­tion where clean water is scarce? Drink­ing con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed water can lead to seri­ous health issues like…

The Warning Signs: 6 Indicators of an Impending Financial Crisis in 2023 and 2024

The Warning Signs: 6 Indicators of an Impending Financial Crisis in 2023 and 2024

The glob­al econ­o­my is always in a state of flux, and while it’s impos­si­ble to pre­dict the future with cer­tain­ty, there are often warn­ing signs that indi­cate an impend­ing finan­cial cri­sis. As we approach 2023 and 2024, experts are keep­ing a close eye on the econ­o­my and…

The Emergency Travel Communications Kit

The Emergency Travel Communications Kit

So, busi­ness trav­el seems to be a thing again.  I’m not thrilled about it.  After stay­ing home for two years, and spend­ing it with my nuclear fam­i­ly, I real­ly don’t want to get back on a plane to trav­el for busi­ness.  I’d rather work from home, do my job, and not…

Will Vladimir Putin use Tactical Nuclear Weapons in the Ukraine or the United States?

Will Vladimir Putin use Tactical Nuclear Weapons in the Ukraine or the United States?

The world holds its breath as the ongo­ing con­flict between Rus­sia, Ukraine, and the Unit­ed States con­tin­ues to esca­late. With the pos­si­bil­i­ty of Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladamir Putin using tac­ti­cal nuclear devices on the Ukraine or the Unit­ed States, the fear of a nuclear…


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