by suburban | Apr 27, 2010 | General, Survivalism
I was in NYC yesterday, as I often am. As I was walking to the hotel to visit a friend that was in town, I saw several homeless people as I usually do near Port Authority. Today, however, I took particular attention to them, noted what they were... Read more
by suburban | Apr 23, 2010 | Energy, Food, Preparedness, Shelter, Survival Gear, Survivalism, Water
So along the way over the past couple of months of creating preparations for tragedy and bugging out to a fallback point, I realized that I am unprepared if I am here, and there is a weather or other issue. What am I going to do if something as... Read more
by suburban | Jun 13, 2009 | Energy, Food, Gear, Improvised Gear, Preparedness, Survival Gear, Survivalism
Tonight after cleaning my guns, relaxing a little bit, and having some dinner, I got on one of the survival forums that I am a member of. I was looking up gardening information and found quite a few resources, downloaded some docs, and came across... Read more
by suburban | Jun 6, 2009 | General, Personal, Preparedness, Survivalism
Interestingly, while working in Midtown Manhattan for an Internet company in early 2009 I began to have the overwhelming feeling that I was too connected. Too in touch with technology, and that I was missing something in my life. It... Read more