The Official Warning from Department of Homeland Security, 6 Months or More Without Critical Utilities

The Official Warning from Department of Homeland Security, 6 Months or More Without Critical Utilities

Well, it’s finally happened, and you’ve probably already heard about it…  The United States Government has officially, on paper, to the public said that our electrical grid, water supply, gas supply, and much more are in dire jeopardy of failing if... Read more

The Winter EMP Theory

Well, winter is coming to the northeastern US.  It’s getting colder here in NJ and any day the temperature could go down to below freezing, stay there for the next few months and pile us up with snow and ice.  I’m thinking about this because I was just on... Read more
Jade Helm: Another Perspective

Jade Helm: Another Perspective

By now if you’re a prep­per (and even if not) you pret­ty much have to been liv­ing in a cave or under a rock not to have at least heard of Jade Helm. But for the ben­e­fit of any­one read­ing this who hasn’t very briefly Jade Helm is a very large scale mil­i­tary... Read more