Solar Oven Fail

Solar Oven Fail

This week­end I had an “epic fail” (as the kids say) with my new solar cook­er. I tried to make a sim­ple dish, Arroz con Pol­lo (chick­en with rice), but did not get past 100F. Why? The sun! As it turns out, Sat­ur­day morn­ing and after­noon was the time moth­er... Read more
Prepper Evangelical

Prepper Evangelical

I read ST’s post from last week and start­ed think­ing about how to con­vert peo­ple to our pre­pared­ness mind­set. To be frank, I think it is almost impos­si­ble to change peo­ple’s ideas on just about any sub­ject. Their opin­ions have been formed over... Read more