Rice and Beans? Beans and Rice?

Rice and Beans? Beans and Rice?

Rice and beans – unques­tion­ably the top two items most often cit­ed as “must-haves” in any prep­pers pantry. Even for non-prep­pers, when dis­cus­sion of hav­ing a few extra food sup­plies on hand comes up (and this comes up a lot more these days in a great many... Read more
Debt vs. Cash Flow

Debt vs. Cash Flow

Even with­out TEOTWAWKI we are all hurt­ing in the wal­let these days. And the prog­no­sis isn’t look­ing good for some time to come (at best). All forms of per­son­al finan­cial media are filled with arti­cles and advise about how it is soooooooo impor­tant to pay... Read more
The Short on Shortages.

The Short on Shortages.

Briefly, I want to think Sub­ur­ban for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to post on his blog. Onward… I’ve been think­ing about “short­ages”. What it real­ly means to have a “short­age”. As I walk down the isles of my local super­mar­kets I still see full shelves of a wide vari­ety... Read more