Okay, this is the final part in the Car Pre­pared­ness series.  To me com­fort sup­plies are those extras that will make me just a lit­tle more com­fort­able in the event there is an issue that I might have to con­tend with.

Here is the list:

  • Tent — I keep a four man Eure­ka tent in my truck.  It does­n’t take up much space, and it is always there if I decide to go camp­ing at the last minute or need it in a SHTF sit­u­a­tion.
  • Addi­tion­al stakes for my tent — My tent comes with ample stakes to stake the tent into the ground, but the extra stakes can be use­ful if it is extreme­ly windy, or if I had to make a spear in a pinch.
  • Can open­er
  • Mul­ti Tool — I think this one goes with­out say­ing.
  • Camp­ing Shov­el — While it does not sound like a com­fort item, it can make dig­ging a last minute latrine eas­i­er than using your hands…
  • Lantern — I had a lantern with four D cell bat­ter­ies in my truck.  It is great in a pinch or if I am out at night and need just a lit­tle more light.
  • Glow Sticks — Not only are they good for light, but they are great for sig­nalling in a pinch.
  • Camp pil­low — A small trav­el pil­low.  I hate sleep­ing with my head on the ground.
  • Sleep­ing bag (I think it is a 30 degree bag, but might be a 50 degree bag).
  • Two liters of water.
  • Two 1lb propane tanks
  • One propane burn­er to cook with if I need to.

Well, that’s it… Next post is going to cov­er what I had as an urban sur­vival kit when I worked in Man­hat­tan… And after that I may go into my GHB (Get Home Bag) that is always in the trunk of my truck as well.  Some of the items are dif­fer­ent than what has been men­tioned in this five part series.