by suburban | Sep 10, 2010 | General, Personal
This may end up being more of a rant than not, but I wanted to write a little blurb about how I am trying to buy these days. I have been looking for “Made in USA” labels recently. I have a strong belief that money that circulates here in our... Read more
by suburban | Sep 9, 2010 | Clothing, Economy, EDC, Fire, first aid, Food, Improvised Gear, Personal, Psychology, suburban survival, Survival Gear, Survivalism, Urban Survival, Water
This post is very close to my heart… It pains me to write it, as it affects a friend of mine directly, that refuses help, as I will illustrate. I have a friend I got a call from this week. He has lost his job, his apartment, much of his clothing,... Read more
by suburban | Sep 9, 2010 | General, Guns & Weapons, Personal, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Okay, the truth is I commented on a post over at SHTF Plan, on his post “When is it Okay to Defend Your Life and Your Family?” Intellectually you might think, any time someone I don’t want on my property is there, or anytime someone threatens my... Read more
by suburban | Sep 9, 2010 | Preparedness, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Friday, as I was in the Strauss Auto Parts Store while they were changing my oil, rotating my tires, and replacing my air filter. It occurred to me that the auto parts / supply store is a veritable candy store of preps for your home, Bug Out Location,... Read more