Henry AR‑7 Update, Again

Henry AR‑7 Update, Again

So after my test of the Ammo in my Hen­ry AR‑7 this past week­end, I emailed Hen­ry’s cus­tomer ser­vice depart­ment with a sim­ple ques­tion about the mis-feed­ing of the ammu­ni­tion.  To my sur­prise, I received an email from the CEO/President of the the... Read more
Ammo Update for the Henry AR‑7

Ammo Update for the Henry AR‑7

I had my Hen­ry AR‑7 Sur­vival .22 out this past week­end to do a lit­tle tar­get shoot­ing.  The more I use it, the more I am not sure I am hap­py with the front and rear site on it.  The rear site is a peep hole, and I guess I may just not be used to that.... Read more

Interesting Conversation

I have a friend that is a finan­cial advi­sor and stock bro­ker in the NYC area.  I actu­al­ly have a few of them, but last evening while we were out to din­ner in NYC, he men­tioned a cou­ple of his pre­dic­tions for our econ­o­my in the not to dis­tant future.... Read more

Saturday Videos

The Impor­tance of Fol­low Through Using a Pathfind­er Knife and Flint to Ignite Char­cloth (New Dave Can­ter­bury Video) Home Made Stain­less Steel Wood Stove The Dako­ta Fire Pit... Read more