Getting to Know You, an Anonymous Poll

In an attempt to learn more about you, my reader(s), I’ve decid­ed to start tak­ing anony­mous polls from time to time.  I real­ize that I want to be even more inter­ac­tive with you the audi­ence.  So please, take just a moment to take this short poll so... Read more
Please Welcome

Please Welcome

Please wel­come as a new spon­sor of Sub­ur­ban Sur­vival Blog. offers a wide array of long term food stor­age and many oth­er unique pre­pared­ness prod­ucts for you to take advan­tage of to poten­tial­ly keep you and your... Read more

Saturday Videos

Min­i­mal­ist Camp­ing Trip (Part One) Min­i­mal­ist Camp­ing Trip (Part Two) Prep­per Trans­porta­tion SHTF Sur­vival Knife... Read more