The Emergency Travel Communications Kit

The Emergency Travel Communications Kit

So, busi­ness trav­el seems to be a thing again.  I’m not thrilled about it.  After stay­ing home for two years, and spend­ing it with my nuclear fam­i­ly, I real­ly don’t want to get back on a plane to trav­el for busi­ness.  I’d rather work from home,... Read more
Assessing the Credibility of Martial Law Being Forced Upon Citizens of the United States in the Future

Assessing the Credibility of Martial Law Being Forced Upon Citizens of the United States in the Future

In this blog post, we’ll exam­ine the poten­tial and cred­i­bil­i­ty of mar­tial law being imple­ment­ed in the Unit­ed States. Being from the U.S. and hav­ing not expe­ri­enced mar­tial law first­hand, as some sec­ond and third-world coun­tries have, it is just a... Read more
The First 30 Days: Building a Future After the Fall

The First 30 Days: Building a Future After the Fall

The fol­low­ing is a fic­tion­al account of the first 30 days after an apoc­a­lyp­tic event and how we may “attempt” to recov­er some nor­mal­cy in the neigh­bor­hood if we can­not make what could be a dead­ly and dan­ger­ous trek to the bug-out loca­tion... Read more