10 Essential Items a Prepper Should Keep in Their Faraday Cage for EMP Protection

10 Essential Items a Prepper Should Keep in Their Faraday Cage for EMP Protection

Imag­ine a sud­den burst of ener­gy capa­ble of ren­der­ing most mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy useless—in an instant, the world as we know it could change due to an elec­tro­mag­net­ic pulse, or EMP. This sce­nario is not just the premise of a sci­ence fic­tion nov­el; it’s a... Read more
Ready for an EMP: A Comprehensive Review of the 30 Liter Ready Hour Waterproof EMP Faraday Backpack

Ready for an EMP: A Comprehensive Review of the 30 Liter Ready Hour Waterproof EMP Faraday Backpack

Are you some­one who loves to be pre­pared for any sit­u­a­tion, no mat­ter how unpre­dictable? If so, you’re going to want to hear about the EMP Fara­day Back­pack.  The truth is, I’ve been eager to get my hands on some­thing like this for a long time. ... Read more

The Winter EMP Theory

Well, winter is coming to the northeastern US.  It’s getting colder here in NJ and any day the temperature could go down to below freezing, stay there for the next few months and pile us up with snow and ice.  I’m thinking about this because I was just on... Read more