So a cou­ple months ago I bought a Hen­ry .22 Sur­vival rifle.  It is an inter­est­ing rifle that packs up into its own stock for stor­age.  I’ve shot it a cou­ple of times and have mixed feel­ings about it.  It seems to do exact­ly what Hen­ry said it would do, and the man­u­fac­tur­er stat­ed you must use high qual­i­ty ammu­ni­tion with this gun.  This, I can­not ver­i­fy, but I will tell you the rifle has a hard time load­ing soft lead rounds.  They seem to jam on the edge of the bar­rel as they try to feed from the mag­a­zine.  You should real­ly use a coat­ed round like some­thing from CCI.  I have thou­sands of rounds of those and the seem to load flaw­less­ly with the AR‑7.  The rear and front sites are adjustable, but I am not thrilled with the rear peep hole they use.  It’s func­tion­al and works, but I am not over­ly hap­py with it.  I do like the rifle’s porta­bil­i­ty.  It is only about 16 inch­es in length when bro­ken down into the stock, and is only 2.5 pounds in total weight.  It fits right in my Bug Our Bag.

I am not a pro­fes­sion­al gun review­er, nor am I even an ama­teur. How­ev­er, over­all, I like this gun for what it is for.  I just need to be a lit­tle more pro­fi­cient with it, mean­ing I need to put more rounds through it and prac­tice with it.

I paid $200.00 for this rifle, and that is pret­ty stan­dard.  I was actu­al­ly pret­ty hap­py to find one for sale in the gun shop.  You can buy a scope and a scope mount for it, which I have had lit­tle expe­ri­ence with over the years, but will soon pur­chase and re-acquaint myself with.

If you would like more  infor­ma­tion or reviews on the Hen­ry AR‑7, I have includ­ed sev­er­al of them below.  Over­all, for plink­ing cans, small game, and to have some fun with, I can rec­om­mend you pick one up if you have a few extra dol­lars lay­ing around.

Here are the oth­er reviews:

Video Reviews