Two weeks ago I traveled for work. Over the weekend, I felt myself starting to feel like crap. By Monday I felt like I had strep throat and bronchitis. having both of them in the past I basically self diagnosed. I was going to dive into my stash of Amoxicillin, however, as a prepper, I also keep a stash of Fish Mox Forte, which are 500mg Amoxicillin capsules for getting rid of the bacteria in a fish tank. Knowing I have taken stronger Amoxicillin in the past for both strep and bronchitis, I thought I might try an experiment. I would take a 10 day cycle of Fish Mox Forte instead of going to the doctor or taking my generic Amoxicillin pills. If I got worse instead of better, I would hightail it to the doctor and get better treatment than my self diagnosis.
Well, started my Fish Mox Forte cycle last Wednesday. Tomorrow is seven days on the cycle. Personally, I feel 110% better, and by day four of the cycle, I finally rolled out of bed and felt much better. I didn’t treat myself any differently, other than making a big pot of soup. I still worked 8 — 10 hours a day, I packed over the weekend (as I am moving in about five weeks) and continued life as usual. Well, with the exception I probably went to bed an average of 30 — 60 minutes earlier each evening.
Now, I bought this bottle of Fish Mox Forte two to three years ago. It has been sitting in a base medical kit for some time. I bought it off of and cannot even find it listed there today. I credit the lack of availability with all you preppers out there that bought it and are storing it up.
My point here is that it does work, rather it worked for me. I caution you though, that you should have a diagnosis for whatever it is ailing you prior to using it. I am not a doctor. I don not play one on TV, and I am not one in real life. I used what I have read over the years, and knowing my own body to diagnose and medicate myself. I offer NO medical advise in this post. This is simply a recap of what I did to squelch the illness that was bringing me down.
Raise your hand and let me know if you have used Fish Mox to self medicate, and what you may have used it for…
Good article. I always read about stocking up but not one article until this one discussed trying it out. Thanks for sharing your experience!
I thought it would be a good use case to understand how well it worked, vs. traditional route.
Used mine to treat sinusitis. 500 mg twice a day for 10 days. Worked just fine.
Very cool… Thanks for sharing, and reading!!!!
I’ve used my “fish” amoxicillin–which looks identical to the generics I got by prescription from the local pharmacy, ID numbers on the capsules, color, and all, to cool down an infected tooth that needed to be pulled, so that, rather than going to the dentist and being sent home with a prescription to quell the infection, and scheduled for a second appointment to actually get the broken tooth pulled, I could just go and pay one time, get my tooth pulled, and be done with pricey dentist,
They worked identically to the ones from the pharmacy that cost more for a three day supply prescribed for my last broken infected tooth, than the bottle of 100 “fish” ones did.
Great to know. Thanks for sharing. First time I have used it. Impressed thus far.
There are some key points to be extracted from this discussion:
Strp throat cannot be diagnosed from clinical signs and symptoms. This has been demonstrated through numerous clinical studies using experienced clinicians. Most sore throats are not streptococcal (Group A beta hemolytic strep). Sore throats from all causes will get better, regardless of cause and usually in spite of treatment. This was not always true fifty years ago, when people developed heart (rheumatic fever) and kidney (post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis). Antibiotics are desined to treat bacterial infections, not viral and allergic freactions. Some are sensitive to certain components of drugs and can develop fatal allergic reactions
Bacteria are constantly becoming resistant to drugs rendering them ineffective.
Should you stockpile antibiotics such as fishmox and others? You bet! There are times when small infections can get out of control, much like a brush fire. They are also a valuable commodity for trade.
The FDA has begun shutting down this source and none of my local pet stores sell these items. I have found some online sources but would be interested in hearing from anyone who has other sources and will share.
Be wary of any drug bougth offshore, as many countries allow over-the-counter sale of all pharmaceuticals. Some are counterfeit and ineffective.
I have enjoyed reading Todd’s posts, and value both his knowledge and experience. When the SHTF, all the rules change!
Charles — Great information and thanks for the information. As mentioned, I’m no doctor, and have a lot more to learn as we go forward…
I am allergic to penicillin. Are there any other fish antibiotics that would be acceptable to take?
I personally cannot say. I would do a LOT of research online, pick up a copy of “The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook” which is where I gleaned a lot of additional information from.
I have tried the Fish-Mox during a bout of sinus infection mixed with general cold/flu. I had a case of the same thing at the beginning of that year and went to the Doctor and after around $150 out of pocket and a bottle of Amoxicillin the problem was getting taken care of. In September of that year, the infection and cold came back, the joys of having small children. This time I dealt with it myself and used Fish-Mox. I gave myself the same dosage as would the Doctor and in ten days I was dramatically better. Better and at only around $30 for 100 pills. I have complete faith in Pet drugs for use in people and will continue to use them myself.
I’ve used aquarium doxycycline and amoxicillin, both for pneumonia. I took a 7 day course of amoxicillin first, which tamped down on symptoms, which recurred about two weeks later. so, I took the doxycycline for 10 days and it was knocked out for good.
I store my medication in presumed courses (10 days worth by weight) in a Russian nesting doll sort of way with mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. I put one course of antibiotics in a mylar bag with an o2 absorber, work out as much air as possible, and seal it. then I take bag #1 and put into bag #2 with a 2nd course of antibiotics and an o2 absorber, work out the air, and seal it. then I take bag #2 (with bag #1 inside it) and put it into bag #3 with an o2 absorber, work out the air, and seal it. I go on like that starting with smaller bags, and working into larger bags. that way, I have multiple layers of mylar, and multiple o2 absorbers protecting multiple courses of antibiotics. when I used a course of antibiotics, I open the largest bag (very carefully) and then all the other courses of antibiotics are still sealed. another thing to consider is where you store your medications and under what temperatures. i’d suggest you keep your medication out of light and at as stable, or cool a temperature as possible.
Did you recover from your illness because of, or in spite of, the Amoxicillin?
I am recovered, feel 100%, and whether right or wrong, attribute at least some of it to the Fish Mox. I know enough about my body and being sick to know what I had, and what might have been prescribed to me had I gone to the doctor. Whether I am right or wrong, that is another story…
I have a stockpile of fish meds, but never used them.
As a retired nurse, I do caution people to educate themselves about all medications. I suggest you buy a used PDR, Physican’s Drug Reference. They are expensive, but a secondhand one can be bought for less than $20. I bought mine at our local university’s book sale, it was about 5 years old and cost $12.
Just use caution when taking or giving medications to anyone.
Thanks Olivia, great advise. Appreciate the input as well as reading the blog.
Yes, it’s true. the “fish Mox” is the same stuff. it has to be, by law, if it has the same capsule.
also fish are quite sensitive to impurities, so it has to be at least human pharmacy grade.
Prescriptions are still useful, though, because they tell you how long to take it for to be sure of killing the bacteria. all antibiotic prescriptions MYST be completed to make sure it doesn’t turn resistant.
Great information. Thanks.
I’ve been doing my own research and I’ve finally bought a bottle of ‘Fish Mox Forte/Amoxcillin’ and it’s arrived but it’s capsule are Blue/Pink with the Id A‑45 and looks nothing like the ones I take..My generic ones are yellow with the Id GG849 and yes, I’ve looked it up on Pill Id and ONE of the inactive ingredients worries me so. It’s Sodium Laurly Sulfate.. Any response/feedback would be helpful. I mean, the pill bottle is from Thomas labs but on Pill Id; it’s stated that it’s from India, the distribution company, I mean?? I know a lot of reviewers/purchaser etc, says it’s fine and it works but that ONE ingre freaks me out.
I have used fish biotics for years instead of going to the doctor. Used it for my husband and kids too. We started using it when Obamacare came into being and we received a $4000 deductible per person. That means we pay cash at the doctor until the deductible is met–which is never. Doctors where I live are $160 a visit. More than we can afford. Most ailments can be treated without a doctor. Recently my husband had a sinus infection. A 10 day round of Fish mox forte , 2 times a day at 500 mg worked wonders. He is fine now. I am not a doctor either nor do i give advice but I am tired of paying out for insurance and still having to pay for a doctors visit. Hope this helps.
Lori — sorry for the delay in replying. I fear that what you are doing, with your family, is going to be all too common in the near future. I went to the Chiropractor the other day, and my deductible kicked in. It’s exponentially higher than it used to be. Health insurance is going to become “catastrophic insurance” in the event there is a major issue going forward.
How many mg do you take for an tooth abcess and how long do you take them for?
I’m not a doctor Debbie, so I cannot endorse dosages or length of time. I can tell you that if I am starting to get sick and feel it is something for amoxicillin, I’ll taken 500 or 1000 mg, and run a five ro 10 day course depending on what is wrong with me. It seems to work just fine, and I rarely have to take it more than once or twice a year.