fish_mox_forteTwo weeks ago I trav­eled for work.  Over the week­end, I felt myself start­ing to feel like crap.  By Mon­day I felt like I had strep throat and bron­chi­tis.  hav­ing both of them in the past I basi­cal­ly self diag­nosed.  I was going to dive into my stash of Amox­i­cillin, how­ev­er, as a prep­per, I also keep a stash of Fish Mox Forte, which are 500mg Amox­i­cillin cap­sules for get­ting rid of the bac­te­ria in a fish tank.  Know­ing I have tak­en stronger Amox­i­cillin in the past for both strep and bron­chi­tis, I thought I might try an exper­i­ment.  I would take a 10 day cycle of Fish Mox Forte instead of going to the doc­tor or tak­ing my gener­ic Amox­i­cillin pills.  If I got worse instead of bet­ter, I would high­tail it to the doc­tor and get bet­ter treat­ment than my self diag­no­sis.

Well, start­ed my Fish Mox Forte cycle last Wednes­day.  Tomor­row is sev­en days on the cycle.  Per­son­al­ly, I feel 110% bet­ter, and by day four of the cycle, I final­ly rolled out of bed and felt much bet­ter.  I did­n’t treat myself any dif­fer­ent­ly, oth­er than mak­ing a big pot of soup.  I still worked 8 — 10 hours a day, I packed over the week­end (as I am mov­ing in about five weeks) and con­tin­ued life as usu­al.  Well, with the excep­tion I prob­a­bly went to bed an aver­age of 30 — 60 min­utes ear­li­er each evening.

Now, I bought this bot­tle of Fish Mox Forte two to three years ago.  It has been sit­ting in a base med­ical kit for some time.  I bought it off of and can­not even find it list­ed there today.  I cred­it the lack of avail­abil­i­ty with all you prep­pers out there that bought it and are stor­ing it up.

My point here is that it does work, rather it worked for me.  I cau­tion you though, that you should have a diag­no­sis for what­ev­er it is ail­ing you pri­or to using it.  I am not a doc­tor. I don not play one on TV, and I am not one in real life.  I used what I have read over the years, and know­ing my own body to diag­nose and med­icate myself.  I offer NO med­ical advise in this post.  This is sim­ply a recap of what I did to squelch the ill­ness that was bring­ing me down.

Raise your hand and let me know if you have used Fish Mox to self med­icate, and what you may have used it for…