This post is probably more of a rant, and you will want to read the post over at Modern Survival Blog about Hurricane Irene: Main-Stream Slams Hurricane IRENE Preppers. Honestly, I am fired up. How is it possible the main stream media say something like this? Please read the Main-Stream Slams Hurricane IRENE Preppers post before reading my rant. You will understand…
I have to be honest, it is not unexpected. The main stream media are puppets. They are NOT unbiased on any channel. They lean to the left or they lean to the right, the will interview dictators and Presidents, and not interview dictators and Presidents because or their leaning bias’s. Period. Unfortunately, the TV anchor in this case did not see videos such as these:
New Jersey
New York State
New York State (Catskills)
Had the anchor done the “required research” to provide an “unbiased news report” of the devastation of the hurricane, it might have been a different report.
But I suppose for those that would have stayed home, in the eyes of that reporter, the storm would have had an invisible bubble around the home of the person that stayed and protected them. Just ridiculous. Sometimes, I just do not understand the logic behind the media.
I understand there is a potential Category 5 Hurricane (Katia) forming that may come towards the east coast. It is potentially 30% — 40% more powerful than Irene. I wonder if we should all just go buy a kite and stay home next time. They (the media) thrive on drama, and drama draws viewers, which in turn sells advertising. So they lean one way or the other because it draws a selection of viewers.
Honestly, while it is unfortunate that 20 (reported) people lost their lives because of the hurricane, 65MM people were affected. That number does not include the ones that are not reported yet. Those are pretty good numbers if you ask me. The plans put in place after 2006’s Katrina disaster worked. Whether you think shutting down the transit system in NYC was dumb or not, it was part of the plan that was in place. Whether or not mandatory evacuations in lower Manhattan were stupid or not, they saved lives, guaranteed. I’m not so sad for the main stream media. They need to get a taste of their own drama, and tuck their tail between their leg for a while.
One of the comments on the other site said it well: the next storm or other potential disaster will be ignored since thus one was so hyped.
If I put on my tin foil hat — maybe that was the goal? To get people over hyped about something on the whole not so bad so that next tome they won’t prepare and the come crying to the politicians and gov for help? Create dependency?
Just a crazy thought.
Could be, but I have to believe after seeing all the displacement, that people might smarten up, just a “little” bit.
Where I live we get yearly tropical storms(if not hurricanes) and nor’easters, and in the past a lot of people were lax in preparations. Then came hurricane Isabel and most of the state was without power. It was days before shipments came to stores or power for that matter. What a wake up call for those who didn’t take storms seriously. After that, I noticed many more people taking storms seriously and making preparations.Also more people who lived on the water evacuate now that hadn’t prior to Isabel. Was Irene as bad as Isabel? Not locally but it was worse elsewhere.
I feel it was irresponsible of the newscaster to make light of being prepared. And even more irresponsible to suggest that these extra supplies be donated when the hurricane season has not passed. Not to mention Katia out there spinning around and gaining strength. I wonder what FEMA(who suggests we be prepared all during the hurricane season if not at other times) would say about this newscast?
*This is the second reply I typed… I forgot the Captcha and lost my first one. LOL The first one was better too.
Funny you mention FEMA.
For about 2 years now they and NYS have been running commercials on tv and radio about being prepared for a disaster.
I guess that’s ok as long as you’re not too prepared…
There are passive, quiet sheeple and then there is a certain type of ornery sheeple that always pisses and moans about any type of leadership or effort to aid them. This is the same type of personality that needs the most sheparding. They need to be told exactly what preps to make and exactly when to make them and if the volunteers stack the sandbags around their home 4 bags high, but the river only rises to the third bag, they sound off about the “imprudent alarmists that wasted all those sandbags.” They don’t thank the good people that gave of their own time and bodies to save the the basement of some ornery stranger and they don’t fail to point out that the voluteers trampled their flowers in the process of saving their home. These are the same people raising Cain because how dare Home Depot run out of generators before a hurricane. They are going to be the same people that show up at your door without so much as a can of tuna fish and expect you to provide for them in an emergency. They will die just like the other sheeple in a survival situation, they will just do it louder and more dramatically and fewer people will mourn them.
This is the same personality that feels entitled to what you have, ultimately, and I DO NOT like them… Just sayin’
Even telling them what to do may not be enough.
I told many people to go to the store and buy canned food, bottled water, batteries and flashlights etc etc.
A great many (too many!) just gave the classic deer-in-the-headlights stare.