A cou­ple years ago, I pur­chased a Ger­ber Pro­file Fixed Blade Knife Drop Point.  I gen­er­al­ly take it camp­ing with me, but have nev­er thought of review­ing it.  In fact, I am not a knife affi­cian­do.  How­ev­er, I’m going to give it a shot here.

Like I said, I have had this knife for a cou­ple years.  It gen­er­al­ly comes camp­ing with me, and to be quite on the up and up, it gets very light use.  how­ev­er, this week­end, I strapped it on my waist.

First, a lit­tle his­to­ry about the Ger­ber Pro­file.  One, I bought it for sub $20.00 at a big box retail­er a cou­ple years ago.  This blade has been reviewed numer­ous times on the Inter­net already.  Here is what I know.  I have pur­chased a Ka-Bar Marine Fight­ing Knife, a Ka-Bar Beck­er II, Mora Clip­per, and numer­ous oth­er knives over sev­er­al years.  I have used each one for var­i­ous tasks, less the Ka-Bar Marine Fight­ing Knife.  In hind sight, I may not have pur­chased that one.  It’s util­i­ty is lim­it by com­par­i­son to sev­er­al of the oth­ers I have pur­chased.

Now, for the Ger­ber Pro­file.  Here is what I like about it.  The full tang blade is thick and strong.  It was inex­pen­sive, and you can con­tin­ue to find them on Amazon.com and oth­er online stores.  I like the spe­cial thumb area on the spine of the full tang blade.  It makes it more ver­sa­tile and gives addi­tion­al lever­age when using the knife.  The rub­ber­ized han­dle is com­fort­able and my fore­fin­ger fits com­fort­ably around the han­dle.  There’s a lan­yard hole in the han­dle as well…  As far as bal­ance, the han­dle is a bit heav­ier than the blade itself.  It holds an edge well.  I used it for some heavy baton work this week­end while camp­ing, and ver­i­fied the edge held well… It seems to be a good all around camp knife.

Now for what I don’t like.  If you read any of the reviews of this knife, many of them will dis­cuss the sheath being kind of flim­sy.  It seems to be a lit­tle flim­sy to me as well.  I am no expert, but I can see why so many peo­ple men­tioned that with dai­ly use it fell apart.  But for $20.00 what can you expect?  I would like to find a place to pur­chase a Kydex sheath at some point as it would be much more durable for years to come.  The sec­ond thing that I did­n’t like, was that the blade is coat­ed in that “Ger­ber coat­ing” that will not let the spine of the blade spark a fire steel.

The upside.  It is light on my hip when strapped on, not like some of the oth­er knives I have.  I bare­ly know it is there, and can wear it all day.  Make sure the han­dle is but­toned in with the strap that holds the knife in the sheath, oth­er­wise you might lose it in the field.

Final­ly, I think that this is a good knife for both camp­ing and for light hunt­ing tasks.  I am not sure how well it would per­form dress­ing game such as a deer, or oth­er large ani­mal, but am sure it would be fine for small game such as rab­bit, squir­rel, etc.